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Yale School of Medicine seeks to create an inclusive environment where diversity thrives and there is a genuine commitment to continuously improve inclusion and a sense of belonging for every member of YSM.

Our inclusion strategies are as follows:

Strategy 1: Enhance YSM’s Ability to Measure Inclusive Excellence and Respond Appropriately

  • Build a database to collect and track the data below, analyze qualitative and quantitative data, and develop high-level reports for YSM leadership.
    • Contract with the AAMC to administer the Diversity Engagement Survey; and
    • Utilize data to inform future action items at both the department and school level.
  • Encourage departments to appoint a diversity and inclusion vice chair or champion.

Strategy 2: Provide Workshops and Trainings to Facilitate Understanding the Lived Experiences of YSM’s Diverse Community and Provide Tools to Maximize Interpersonal Communication

  • Enhance and/or develop trainings for all members of the YSM community in the following areas:
    • Unconscious bias
    • Microaggressions
    • Allyship and bystander training
    • Crucial conversations/dialogues
    • Leading across differences
    • Race: A social construct
    • Anti-racism